New Scholarship Opportunity for Real Estate Students


The Center for Real Estate Entrepreneurship (CREE) is pleased to announce the establishment of the CREE Advisory Board Undergraduate Scholarships which will award $2,500 scholarships to students who are in the Minor in Real Estate Development program. The scholarships will be awarded starting in the Fall 2023 semester.

Recipients must have a declared real estate minor with at least 9 credits towards the minor completed. Students must be in good academic standing with preference to those with demonstrated financial need and members of the Real Estate Association student organization. Recipients will be selected by a committee appointed by the Dean of the School of Business in coordination with the Office of Student Financial Aid. This scholarship is renewable. Once it is indicated in the system that students are pursuing the REAL minor, they will automatically be considered for the scholarship opportunity.

Students can apply directly through the Mason Scholarship application. 

Application Deadline: May 31, 2022

