Undergraduate Academic Advising

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Friday, March 14: The Office of Student Success and Academic Services will operate remotely on Friday, March 14.
Please call our office at (703) 993-1880 or email masonbus@gmu.edu for questions.
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Drop-Ins Week of March 17: The Office of Student Success and Academic Services will offer in-person/virtual drop-in advising on Mon (3/17), Tues (3/18) and Thurs (3/20) from 9:30-11:30am and 1-4pm; and on Wed (3/20) and Fri (3/21) from 1-4pm only.
Please call our office at (703) 993-1880 or email masonbus@gmu.edu for questions.

Setting You Up for Success  

The Office of Student Success and Academic Services within the Costello College of Business at George Mason University has a staff of professional academic advisors to help you navigate your business degree requirements. 

The Costello College of Business academic advisors are available for virtual and in-person appointments for the fall semester. Evening hours are available virtually on Mondays and Thursdays during the fall and spring semesters when classes are in session.

Schedule an Advising Appointment

You can schedule an appointment with your advisor via GMU Navigate. This service is only available to current Mason students. Appointments are available both in person and via Zoom. Appointments are available: 

  • Monday and Thursday from 9:30 am -  7:00 pm
  • Tuesday from 9:30 am - 11:30 am and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  • Wednesday and Friday from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

To schedule an appointment: 

  • Access GMU Navigate. Enter your Mason NetID and password and select “login.” Submit and confirm your password sharing preference before clicking “accept.” 
  • Select the “Get Assistance” button in the top right corner and follow the steps to schedule your appointment.  

Access GMU Navigate

If you will be participating in a virtual advising session:  

Because you will need to access your Degree Works system and may need to share screens during your appointment, we highly recommend using a laptop or desktop computer. We also recommend using headphones if you are not able to attend the meeting from a private place. Due to safety and privacy, meetings will be ended if you attempt to connect 

  • While you are in class, actively working, or in another meeting 
  • While you are driving or traveling 
  • If you are in a public space or otherwise preoccupied.  

Drop-In Advising

No appointment is needed for drop-in advising sessions. For Spring 2025, drop-ins are available both in-person in Enterprise Hall suite 008 and via Blackboard (Mason Login Required).

Available drop-in hours are as follows (unless otherwise indicated):   

  • Monday and Thursday from 9:30 am – 11:30 am and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm  

Additional peak week drop-in advising will be available from January 6 through January 28.

If you will be participating in a virtual advising session: 

Virtual drop-in advising sessions Meetings are conducted through Blackboard and should be between you and an advisor. Because you will need to access your Degree Works system and may need to share screens during your appointment, we highly recommend using a laptop or desktop computer. We also recommend using headphones if you are not able to attend the meeting from a private place. Due to safety and privacy, meetings will be ended if you attempt to connect  

  • While you are in class, actively working, or in another meeting  

  • While you are driving or traveling  

  • If you are in a public space or otherwise preoccupied.  

Use this link to connect to a virtual drop-in session. 

Connect to the Virtual Drop-In Session 



Registration FAQ's

The class I want is closed (or full), what do I do?

If a class is closed or full, you will need to register for another open section or place yourself on the waitlist. Costello College of Business faculty members cannot grant permission or issue overrides for students to register for a closed class. 

If it is your last class in your last semester, please visit our Policies and Procedures page about our Force Add policy. 

I am getting a prerequisite error when I register!

This means you are missing a C or higher in a required course before you can take the one you are trying to register for, or you have not earned the credits needed for the class standing requirement. This is called a prerequisite. If you are registered for a Costello College of Business class without meeting the required prerequisites by the time the semester starts, you will be dropped from the class. If you already have credit for required prerequisites but are still getting the error, please email masonbus@gmu.edu.


Common Prerequisites:

  • ACCT 303 and FNAN 303 = You MUST complete MATH 108, ACCT 203, and BUS 210 prior to these courses and have at least 30 EARNED credits prior to registering for these courses.
  • BUS 303 = You MUST complete BUS 103 and have at least 30 EARNED credits prior to registering for this course. If you have a waiver for BUS 103, please contact your academic advisor to receive a registration override.
  • BUS 310 = You MUST complete BUS 210 prior to this course. 
  • MGMT 303, MKTG 303, MIS 303, BULE 303 = You MUST have at least 30 EARNED credits prior to registering for these courses.
  • ENGH 302 = You MUST complete ENGH 100/101 and Literature prior to taking this course.

Can I co-req a prerequisite and its required course?

No. Prerequisites are established and voted on by faculty, they are also in the catalog. The Costello College of Business does not waive prerequisites. 

I know I took the prerequisites at my previous institution, so why am I getting this error?

The Admissions office may not have your final transcript yet or they have not evaluated the course yet. You can find more information on transfer credits here: https://go.gmu.edu/1m90. If you feel credits are not being counted, please email masonbus@gmu.edu.

When I try to register for a course I get a “repeat hours exceeded” error message, what does this mean?

This error code means you are trying to register for a course that is part of the Costello College of Business three attempt termination policy. Once a student is in a second attempt and they need to register for the third and final attempt, they must meet with an academic advisor before registering for the course. Information on the Costello College of Business termination policy may be found under the “Termination from Major” section here: https://go.gmu.edu/2r0o.

Why can’t I register for BUS 498?

BUS 498 Capstone course is reserved for graduating seniors. The student must have completed 90 graded credit hours for registration and a C or higher in ACCT 303, BULE 303, BUS 303, BUS 310, FNAN 303, MGMT 303, MIS 303, MKTG 303, and OSCM 303. If you do not currently have 90 graded credits, you will need to wait until final grades for current courses are posted to register or place yourself on the waitlist. There are no overrides for earned credits.

I have filed my intent to graduate, but the class I need to graduate is full, can I receive a force-add?

If all sections of a class are full, you may put yourself on a waitlist. Putting yourself on the waitlist allows us to know how many students need a course and if we should open a new section. If another section is available and open, the student will need to register for that section – citing work or other personal conflicts is not a reason to be force-added into a closed section. If the course is still closed prior to the first week of class and the student has an active graduation intent on file for that semester they may e-mail busreqst@gmu.edu and request a review for a force-add, however force-add approvals are not guaranteed. Additional information regarding this policy can be found in the “Force-Add” section here: https://go.gmu.edu/4rvw

When I try to register it says "View Linked," what do I do?

You will get this error if a lecture recquires a recitation! if a lecture requires a recitation you must register for both at the same time. Recitations are required components of the course. Here are the steps to register for a linked course: https://go.gmu.edu/epmo

I am unable to register for ENGH 302, what do I do?

If you are unable to register for ENGH 302 due to the three-attempt policy or prerequisite error you will need to contact Dr. Wooten at cwooten3@gmu.edu in the English Department. Freshman are not eligible to enroll in ENGH 302.

What is the minimum grade required for my Costello College of Business courses?

The Costello College of Business requires a C or higher in most courses and a B- in some courses. A grade of "C-" or lower in a Costello College of Business course will not count and the student will need to repeat the course.

Why am I getting a departmental approval message for BUS103 and BUS100?

You may be trying to register for a section of the course that is reserved for a Learning Community. Only students within that community can register for those sections, so you will need to register for a different section of that class.


For all advising sessions:  

Advising times are subject to change during university orientations, holidays and other special events. Our virtual services could experience delays if the university is experiencing technology issues. An advisor will follow-up with you if this affects your appointment/experience. If you have any questions or encounter difficulties, contact the Office of Student Success and Academic Services at masonbus@gmu.edu or by calling (703) 993-1880.  

For questions, configuration concerns, and feedback on your user experience with GMU Navigate, contact SSCHelp@gmu.edu. For more information about Mason's commitment to accessibility, visit Accessibility@Mason

2-for-1 Academic and Career Advising (2:1 Advising) - Services will resume in September.

The 2-for-1 Academic & Career advising (2:1 advising) service is a holistic advising experience through the lens of professional academic and career advising to help Costello College of Business students make more purposeful academic decisions closely aligned with their professional interests.  Academic and career advisors will utilize different resources and assessments available to help students explore and identify their skills, values, interests, and preferences to determine which career path would be a good fit.

2:1 Advising services are recommended to the following students:

  • Students who have not identified the concentration that best fits their career interests.
  • Students interested in pursuing a minor or a second concentration.
  • Students who are uncertain about which concentration elective courses to take
  • Students who want a better understanding of their strengths and interests and how they can be utilized to pursue career opportunities.

To learn more about the 2:1 Advising services and request your 2:1 advising session, please submit this request form!


Meet our Advisors

  • George Mason University Costello College of Business Staff Collin Arthur

    Senior Academic Advisor, Office of Student Success and Academic Services
    Pronouns: he/him

    Collin Arthur is a Senior Academic Advisor in the Costello College of Business at George Mason University. After growing up in rural, southern Virginia, he attended the University of Virginia where he received his BA in economics and psychology as well as his MEd in higher education. Collin has been a part of the Costello College of Business team since September 2021. His favorite part about being an academic advisor at Mason is working with a diverse group of students to help them identify and achieve their academic, personal, and professional goals.
  • George Mason University Costello College of Business Staff Stephanie Barnett

    Academic Advisor, Office of Student Success and Academic Services
    Pronouns: she/her

    Stephanie Barnett is an Academic Advisor in the Costello College of Business. Growing up in a military family, she lived in a few places before eventually landing in Northern Virginia. She earned her BA in global affairs from George Mason in 2007 and has spent the majority of her higher education career at George Mason. She is a certified professional coach, and is always looking for opportunities to develop personally and professionally. When she is not advising, she enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with family.
  • George Mason University Costello College of Business Staff Amanda Ganus

    Senior Academic Advisor, Office of Student Success and Academic Services

    Amanda Ganus is a Senior Academic Advisor in the Costello College of Business at George Mason University. Amanda earned her bachelor's degree at Texas Tech University in 2019 before coming to George Mason for her master's degree in creative writing, which she earned in May 2022. Her favorite thing about George Mason is all of the ways to find resources, support, and community no matter where you're coming from or what your needs are.
  • Bill Hanauer

    Academic Advisor, Office of Student Success and Academic Services

    Bill Hanauer is an Academic Advisor in the Costello College of Business at George Mason University. Originally from Queens, New York, he holds a BA in history from Saint Francis College, as well as a master’s degree in international affairs from CUNY Brooklyn College. Having worked in academic advising roles for well over a decade, Bill is passionate about working with students to achieve their goals and connecting them with necessary resources. Outside of advising, Bill enjoys spending time with friends and family, traveling and trying different cuisines, and is an avid music lover.
  • Academic Advisor, Office of Student Success and Academic Services

    Jo Jones is an Academic Advisor in the Costello College of Business at George Mason University. Originally from North Carolina, they attended the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, where they received their MEd in higher education and student affairs. In their spare time they enjoy going to museums, biking around the city, and spending time with their rabbit Gertie.
  • George Mason University Costello College of Business Staff Charlie Ann Kerr

    Academic Advisor, Office of Student Success and Academic Services
    Pronouns: she/her

    Charlie Ann Kerr is an Academic Advisor in the Costello College of Business at George Mason University. Originally from the Hampton Roads area, Charlie moved to Northern Virginia to attend George Mason University where she received both her BA in global affairs and MS in management. In her spare time, she enjoys trying out new restaurants, playing with her cats, and spending time with friends and family.
  • George Mason University Costello College of Business Staff Martha Martin

    Academic Advisor, Office of Student Success and Academic Services

    Martha Martin is an Academic Advisor in the Costello College of Business at George Mason University. She lived in Madrid, Spain before moving to Northern Virginia.
  • Sofia Quiroga Paz

    Academic Advisor, Office of Student Success and Academic Services

    Sofia Quiroga Paz is an Academic Advisor in the Costello College of Business at George Mason University. Originally from Bolivia, she moved to the United States to pursue higher education and earned her BA in global development studies from the University of Virginia. Sofia is passionate about advocating for education and enjoys helping students navigate their academic journeys. Outside of advising, she loves traveling to explore new cultures, baking, and spending time with family and friends.
  • Rose Phan

    Academic Advisor, Office of Student Success and Academic Services

    Rose Phan is an Academic Advisor in the Costello College of Business at George Mason University. She is from Atlanta, Georgia, and holds a BS in psychology.
  • George Mason University Costello College of Business Staff Carson Tatton

    Senior Academic Advisor, Office of Student Success and Academic Services

    Carson Tatton is a Senior Academic Advisor in the Costello College of Business at George Mason. Carson is from Price, Utah and holds a BA in international business from Utah State University and a MEd in learning and technology from Western Governors University. Carson loves business education and loves helping students meet their goals. Carson's best piece of advice is to study hard, get involved, and meet with your advisor often.